Round robin tests XRF-analysis Round-robin test HSL, APC, TNO - SEMS 1 - 4 air samples asbestos - 2012
Study organized by:
Health & Safety Laboratory (HSL, UK), APC (Germany), TNO (Netherlands)
Material of proficiency test:
SEMS asbestos fibre counting PT scheme - 4 air samples asbestos (SEM) according to guideline VDI 3492
Study finished:
2012 - 5
SEM Asbestos Fibre Counting PT Scheme - Report for Round 1
major elements [wt %]
CRB | RV | 1sRV | Z-Score | |
trace elements [µg/g]
CRB | RV | 1sRV | Z-Score | |
results CRB
cooperative test
results collaborative study
Standard deviation collaborative study
Difference of measured value from mean study
Value not certified
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