
"Digital pioneer" in medium-sized businesses - Göttinger Tageblatt reports on CRB

At the beginning of the year, the Göttinger Tageblatt took our 25th anniversary as an opportunity to report on the history and development as a future-oriented asbestos analysis laboratory from Hardegsen. The central topic was the expansion of the successful digital strategy in Europe, which primarily supports private customers in identifying dangerous asbestos fibres in their homes and yards.

Hidden danger when renovating: Asbestos in old buildings

Although asbestos has been banned in Germany since 1993, the hazardous substance is still present in many old buildings, including fibre cement and Floorflex floor coverings. As an accredited testing laboratory, CRB meets this high demand for asbestos analyses with a combination of a consistent quality policy and online marketing strategy.

Strategy and innovation: CRB on growth course for 25 years

Dr. Volker Müller, Managing Director of the Lower Saxony Employers' Associations, who visited the laboratory on the occasion of the anniversary in December, informed himself about the laboratory's digital and entrepreneurial strategy. This special combination makes CRB the "hidden champion and best example of industry 4.0 in Germany", Dr. Müller is quoted by the Göttinger Tageblatt. Our managing director, Ralf Klaus Blecher, continued this with a report on the constant success of the online marketing strategy.

Read the complete article on the website of the Göttinger Tageblatt!

CRB is a digital pioneer in medium-sized businesses. Report Göttinger Tageblatt

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